I took up the challenge to invite as many of my friends as possible to join us for lunch during the Happiness Group meetings we had last year. Although, I must confess that getting the right time to invite them was not an easy task. I prayed and depended on the Holy Spirit to lead me to the right person at the right time. Many of the people I invited showed up and we engaged in hearty games and meaningful conversations after lunch.
One of the people I invited at the time is my graduate school mate, his seat is right next to mine in the students’ study room. I didn’t receive any response from him and he never showed up. Still, I mentioned his name to the Happiness Group team and we prayed for him and our other friends who were also invited but couldn’t join us.
In my conversations with my friend, he told me he neither believed in God nor life after death. So, I kept praying for him in my private prayer times. In December, he traveled to visit his parents in Iwate but couldn’t return to Sendai after the holiday due to COVID-19 restrictions.
He came back to Sendai but I didn’t see him until August. Then he shared how he read the scripture, 1 Timothy 2:5, which I pasted on my study space, and started thinking about the true God. He read different books in search of the true religion and the authors all pointed towards Christianity.
So, one day, when he couldn’t bear the hunger and search anymore, he got himself a Bible and read all through the night. He checked Google Map for the nearest church to him and went there the following day. He became a Christian that day. Now, he is praying for his pre-believing girlfriend and parents to also be saved.
I have come to realize that God doesn’t necessarily depend on a man to complete the work of salvation. He only expects us to yield ourselves to him as willing instruments.
昨年ハッピネスグループをするにあたって、私はできる限りたくさんの友達に声をかけ、ランチの 集まりに誘いました。けれども正直言って、ちょうどいいタイミングを見計らって友達を誘うの は簡単な事ではありませんでした。聖霊さまにただより頼み、神様が導いている人に良いタイミ ングで出会うことができるように、とお祈りしました。その結果、私が誘った友人の多くがラン チに参加してくれました。ランチの後にはゲームをし、来てくれた友人達と、とても良い会話を持 つことができました。
私が誘った友達のうちの一人は、大学院のクラスメートで、私の席の右隣が彼の席でした。残念 ながら、彼からの返答は無く、彼がハッピネスグループに来ることもありませんでした。それで も、ハッピネスグループのチームメンバーで集まる時に、私は彼の名前を挙げ祈りに覚えていまし た。
共通の友人との会話の中で、彼が神を信じておらず、また死後の世界も信じていないことを聞きま した。その後も個人的な祈りの時間にも、彼の救いのために引き続き祈っていました。12月にな り、彼は岩手県の家族の元に里帰りし、その後コロナウィルスの状況のために仙台に戻ってきま せんでした。
しばらくして彼は仙台に戻って来て、私が再び彼と会ったのは8月のことでした。その時、彼はこ のように私に話してくれたのです。彼は、私の机に貼っていた聖書箇所1テモテ2:5を読んで、真 実の神について考え始めたそうです。そして、本当の宗教とは何かを求めてあらゆる本を読んだ結 果、全ての著者がキリスト教を示していることに気がつきました。彼は真実とは何かを乾き求め
て、聖書を自分で購入し、一晩中聖書を読みました。次の日の朝、Google Mapで探した近くの 教会に行きました。そしてその日、彼はクリスチャンになりました。今彼は、まだ未信者のガール フレンドと両親の救いのために祈っています。
このことを通して、人が救われるために、神様は必ずしも人の力に頼っている訳ではないという 事を私は学びました。神様は、ただ私たちが神様の器として自分自身を委ねる事を願っているの です。
2人は私より先にイエスキリストを信じていて、私をBible Studyという聖書の勉強会や、教会に誘ってくれました。
ある日、2人のアメリカ人のクリスチャンの友達が来て、Bible Studyをするので行かない?と誘ってくれたので、行きました。
Bible Studyでどんなことを話してくれたかは、正直に言うと何も覚えていません。
[Yuko’s Testimony]
Hello, everyone. Today’ church service is very special for me, because I have several special guests. My parents are here from Wakayama prefecture. Not only them, my friends from U.S., my friend from Kanazawa is also here today.
Today, I’d like to share how I came to know Jesus Christ, and how God lead my life after I became Christian.
My parents probably know well how I was when I was a child, but I was very very shy. I thought there’s nothing I can be proud of myself.
Satin knew my weakness and whispered me a lie, which is “Nobody likes Yuko”
As I grew older, the lie became bigger and bigger and it tormented me.
I started to study very hard to enter a high-level university to prove myself, but it didn’t work. I couldn’t pass any entrance exam and it made me depressed more.
At that time, I was completely disappointed with everything and wanted to run away from my family, my friends, even my country, and start over at the place where nobody knows me.
When I told my parents that I want to study in the U.S., my father strongly opposed my decision. I was stubborn and he was stubborn, and we didn’t talk with each other for about 6 months.
After my parents deposited about 3 million yen to the organization for supporting overseas study program, my mother found me crying because of fear. She said, “It’s ok for you to not going to the U.S., I don’t mind forsake 3 million yen for your sake.” What my mother said to me, her compassionate word was so touching to me. Even now, just to look back at the time, it makes me cry.
2 girls became my best friends in the U.S. One is Noriko, Tai’s sister, the other is Mari, who is here today. Mari was my roommate. They became Christian earlier than me and invited me to Bible Study.
One day, American Christian sisters came to do a bible study, and Mari and Noriko invited me to go with them. I didn’t like to go to the place where a lot of people gather because I was shy and feel restless usually. But the day was different. To be honest, I didn’t remember or understand what they taught in the bible study at all. But I remember the atmosphere was so warm and peaceful.
I didn’t know why but somehow I started crying when we were just gathering in a circle and eating curry rice.
I borrowed my friend’s bed and lied down, and still kept weeping. The atmosphere was so warm, and I knew that they won’t accuse me even though I was vulnerable, the Holy Spirit in the room was so loving and I couldn’t hold myself. I felt deep peace which I’ve never felt in my life.
Bible says, “My peace I give to you; I do not give it to you as the world does.”
The peace I felt at that time was, if I can describe in one word, it was salvation. When I get a good score with an exam or something good happens to me, I feel good for a while, but it’s just a temporary thing. But the peace God gave me is eternal.
Also, God taught me how to fight against the lies of the enemy. When satin spoke to me “nobody likes you”, I learned to confess “No, my God loves me, my friends love me too.” By doing this, the part which was covered by darkness started by changed into light.
After I became Christian, God has been faithfully provided for my needs.
After graduated the university in TX and came back to Japan, at the beginning I didn’t know what to do and I was struggling.
I had a desire to be an English teacher for children, but I was kind of gave up on my dream. Because of my quiet personality, I thought it would be very difficult to have a job constantly had to stand in front of people.
But God encouraged me through bible verse again and again.
“For it is God who works in you to will and to act to fulfill his good purpose. Therefore, do everything without grumbling or arguing.” Philippians 2:13
God knew my heart and provided me a job which was exactly what I wanted. Through this lesson, I learned that even though I thought it was my desire, actually it was also God who put me a desire into my heart, and as I offer it to Him, it becomes His will.
Later on, I found my dream job was very tough, though a lot of fun at the same time. Like as Peter walked on the water encouraged by Jesus, for me to control the classroom was like walking on the water by faith.
When I thought I cannot, the thought made me sink into the water. But the word, “do everything without grumbling or arguing” sustained me. By believing this is the job God provided me so that God will help me to do it, I was able to move forward.
When I had worked as an English teacher for 3 years, I had a desire to work for Jesus Christ more directly. I didn’t know exactly what, but something related to Christianity and I can use all of my time for Christ.
But in my heart, I thought it was impossible to find such a job in Japan.
But God knew my heart very well and gave me a job exactly I wanted.
It’s been already 3 years and a half passed after I came to the Tohoku area. During the time, God provided me a job in the mission field, starting a job as an interpreter at the Samaritan’s purse, and now I’m an interpreter for a missionary team from Singapore. God has been so good to me.
Bible says, “Rejoice in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
If I desire anything good in Christ, God is the one surely provides for me. But if I desire with selfish way, He won’t. Now I’m praying for my life partner. God says that I need to wish for a good husband, good marriage. I feel that I need to fear God. Because He has been provided what I desired. I thank God who has been so faithful to me, and who is going to be in the future.